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ID:19838 / 4 (Views: 368) Canon EOS-6D Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM VIE-06  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2019-04-23
Registration:VT-ALN (India) Flightnumber: AI0101 Origin: DEL (India) Destination: JFK (United States) Via: VIE
Airline:Air India (India)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 777-337(ER) (cn: 36312) IATA-Code: 77W
'Air India 101' von Delhi nach New York beim Landeanflug auf Landebahn 16.
'Air India 101' from Delhi to New York on final approach for runway 16.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:8467 / 59 (Views: 639) Canon EOS-40D Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM LHR-07  
Ort/Place: London Heathrow (LHR/EGLL) (United Kingdom) Datum/Date: 2010-08-28
Registration:VT-ALN (India) Flightnumber: AI0111 Origin: CCU (India) Destination: LHR (United Kingdom) Via: DEL
Airline:Air India (India)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 777-337(ER) (cn: 36312) IATA-Code: 77W
'Air India 111' aus Kolkata via Delhi kurz vor der Landung auf Landebahn 27R.
'Air India 111' from Kolkata via Delhi prior to landing at runway 27R.
© by Markus Schauhuber

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