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ID:31169 / 4 (Views: 18) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-03  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2024-11-03
Registration:ET-AUP (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0730 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: WAW (Poland) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (cn: 38782) IATA-Code: 789
'Ethiopian 730' aus Addis Abeba bei der Landung auf Landebahn 29.
'Ethiopian 730' from Addis Ababa during landing at runway 29.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:30395 / 23 (Views: 27) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-09  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2024-08-14
Registration:ET-AUO (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0724 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: CPH (Denmark) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (cn: 38778) IATA-Code: 789
'Ethiopian 724' nach Kopenhagen beim Start von Startbahn 29.
'Ethiopian 724' to Copenhagen during takeoff at runway 29.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:28970 / 13 (Views: 52) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-06  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2024-02-29
Registration:ET-ANP (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0730 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: BRU (Belgium) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 777-260(LR) (cn: 40772) IATA-Code: 77L
'Ethiopian 730' nach Brüssel beim Lineup auf Startbahn 16.
'Ethiopian 730' to Brussels during lineup at runway 16.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:28069 / 15 (Views: 52) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports ZRH-04  
Ort/Place: Zurich Kloten (ZRH/LSZH) (Switzerland) Datum/Date: 2023-11-19
Registration:ET-AUC (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0736 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: ZRH (Switzerland) Via: MXP
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A350-941 (cn: 147) IATA-Code: 359
Ethiopian setzt nach Zürich einen A350 mit Platz für insgesamt 348 Passagiere ein.
Ethiopian operates an A350 to Zurich with space for a total of 348 passengers.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:28068 / 14 (Views: 46) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports ZRH-04  
Ort/Place: Zurich Kloten (ZRH/LSZH) (Switzerland) Datum/Date: 2023-11-19
Registration:ET-AUC (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0736 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: ZRH (Switzerland) Via: MXP
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Airbus A350-941 (cn: 147) IATA-Code: 359
'Ethiopian 736' aus Addis Abeba via Mailand bei der Landung auf Landebahn 28.
'Ethiopian 736' from Addis Ababa via Milan during landing at runway 28.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:27078 / 6 (Views: 72) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-03  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2023-09-25
Registration:ET-AUP (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0724 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: CPH (Denmark) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (cn: 38782) IATA-Code: 789
'Ethiopian 724' aus Addis Abeba auf dem Weg zum Gate.
'Ethiopian 724' from Addis Ababa taxiing to gate after arrival.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:26913 / 9 (Views: 70) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-02  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2023-08-01
Registration:ET-AYD (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0730 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: BRU (Belgium) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (cn: 65099) IATA-Code: 789
'Ethiopian 730' aus Addis Abeba im Landeanflug auf Landebahn 16.
'Ethiopian 730' from Addis Ababa on final approach for runway 16.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:26884 / 22 (Views: 85) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-03  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2023-07-11
Registration:ET-AYC (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0730 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: BRU (Belgium) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (cn: 65091) IATA-Code: 789
'Ethiopian 730' nach Brüssel beim Start von Startbahn 29.
'Ethiopian 730' to Brussels during takeoff at runway 29.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:26299 / 16 (Views: 85) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-09  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2023-05-22
Registration:ET-ASH (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0724 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: CPH (Denmark) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner (cn: 38754) IATA-Code: 788
'Ethiopian 724' nach Kopenhagen beim Start auf Startbahn 29. Dies ist der Erstflug von Ethiopian nach Kopenhagen.
'Ethiopian 724' to Copenhagen during takeoff at runway 29. This is Ethiopian's inaugural flight to Copenhagen.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:25018 / 1 (Views: 127) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-03  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2022-09-09
Registration:ET-AUP (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0724 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: BRU (Belgium) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner (cn: 38782) IATA-Code: 789
'Ethiopian 724' nach Brüssel kurz nach dem Start von Startbahn 29.
'Ethiopian 724' to Brussels after takeoff at runway 29.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:23456 / 1 (Views: 143) Canon EOS R6 Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-03  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2022-01-02
Registration:ET-AOR (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0724 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: BRU (Belgium) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner (cn: 34746) IATA-Code: 788
'Ethiopian 724' aus Addis Abeba geparkt auf Position Bravo 62.
'Ethiopian 724' from Addis Ababa parked at stand Bravo 62.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:23395 / 15 (Views: 157) Canon EOS-6D Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-03  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2021-12-01
Registration:ET-ARI (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET3411 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: LGG (Belgium) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 777-F60 (cn: 42032) IATA-Code: 77X
'Ethiopian 3411' aus Addis Abeba auf dem Weg zur Parkposition Bravo 58.
'Ethiopian 3411' from Addis Ababa taxiing to stand Bravo 58.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:23394 / 14 (Views: 142) Canon EOS-6D Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-03  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2021-12-01
Registration:ET-ARI (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET3411 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: LGG (Belgium) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 777-F60 (cn: 42032) IATA-Code: 77X
'Ethiopian 3411' von Addis Abeba nach Lüttich bei der Landung in Wien auf Landebahn 11.
'Ethiopian 3411' from Addis Ababa to Liege during landing in Vienna at runway 11.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:22613 / 43 (Views: 199) Canon EOS-6D Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-03  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2021-06-28
Registration:ET-AOU (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0724 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: BRU (Belgium) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner (cn: 34749) IATA-Code: 788
'Ethiopian 724' nach Brüssel beim Start von Startbahn 29.
'Ethiopian 724' to Brussels during takeoff at runway 29.
© by Markus Schauhuber
ID:22578 / 8 (Views: 186) Canon EOS-6D Sigma 60-600mm f/4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports VIE-03  
Ort/Place: Vienna Schwechat International (LOWW/VIE) (Austria) Datum/Date: 2021-06-28
Registration:ET-AOU (Ethiopia) Flightnumber: ET0724 Origin: ADD (Ethiopia) Destination: BRU (Belgium) Via: VIE
Airline:Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopia)
Flugzeug/Aircraft:Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner (cn: 34749) IATA-Code: 788
'Ethiopian 724' aus Addis Abeba auf dem Weg zum Gate F01.
'Ethiopian 724' from Addis Ababa taxiing to to gate F01 after arrival.
© by Markus Schauhuber

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